Embracing the Vision

STRATEGIC PLAN 2021 - 2025
Just over two years ago, we began a process of engaging the worldwide TeachBeyond community in prayerfully considering what God has next for TeachBeyond.

Our 2014 plan, “Vision for Transformation,” was coming to a close, leaving us the question: “What is next for TeachBeyond?” A part of this engagement process was to review the organizational developments over the past five years. We were amazed at what God has done. Not only did this assessment bring to light unprecedented growth in members, learners, and new countries, we heard countless stories of how God was doing a transformational work within the TeachBeyond community and the communities we serve.

This review culminated in adopting a new plan entitled “Embracing the Vision 2021-2025.” At the heart of this plan is a desire to serve our Father, love Jesus, and be effective, by the power of His Spirit, in enabling a growing global movement of transformational education. This plan seeks to foster missional communities around the world, whose impact will cascade to the individuals and communities we serve.

Our longing is to have a deeper and clearer living-out of the vision in pursuit of lives obedient to God’s calling. This is a vision born out of a love for people as God Himself loves us. We invite you to share in embracing this vision.

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